
Library complex – Granthaloka with spacious reading halls, Ku. Shi. Jnana Mantapa – Reference section.

Genesis and Growth

  1. M.G.M college library started functioning from 27-6-1949 when it was housed in a small room with hardly 1000 volumes in its book stack to begin with has now reached more than one lakh volumes which could do credit even to a University.
  2. When the college was shifted to its own building on 27-6-1951 at Sagri , the library was shifted to a fairly bigger hall atop the Administrative block of the Main Building , having four rooms and this made it possible to provide more library facilities to the students whose number was growing year after year.
  3. The generous gift of Rs.10,000/- made to the College Library by the Canara Banking Corporation Ltd. in the year 1954 was responsible for the further growth of the Library which was named after Canara Banking Corporation, the biggest donor of the Library , by his Holiness Sri Vishwesha Thirtha Swamiji of Pejavar Mutt in the same year.
  4. Granthaloka was inaugurated in the year 2002.

Library Sections and Details

Category Details
Book Collection
The total number of books on various subjects in different languages in the library now exceeds One lakh.
All the current students and the members of the college staff , both teaching and non-teaching, are allowed to make use of the college library, reading room and the reference section and others can enroll themselves as members only with the written permission of the Principal on conditions laid down.
Book-Borrowing and the duration of Loan

Library Books and Magazines are issued to the members as follows:

  1. Teaching Staff – 10 Books – For a period of 100 days.

  2. Non Teaching Staff – 3 Books – For a period of 100 days.
  3. Students of all classes – 2 Books – For a period of 8 days + Overnight 1 book.
  4. Old students and Public – 2 Books – For a period of 30 days

Students may get the books renewed by the Librarian for a further period of 7 days on request if necessary.

Magazine (Periodical) Section
The Reading Room subscribes to a good number of magazines and journals numbering nearly 80. It also subscribes to 13 dailies.
Books for reference

The Reference Section has got a rich collection of books on different subjects in different languages including Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Year-books, Bound volumes, Books for competitive exams and Miscellaneous Books.

Department libraries

To assist teaching and reading, books are loaned to some of the departments for the departmental libraries.

Students can also borrow books from the departmental libraries by contacting the heads of the departments concerned by fulfilling the necessary conditions.

Multi-Facility Centre

Internet Browsing and computer, Printing, Xerox, typing, etc

Working Hours

On Working days (except Sundays and the other Public Holidays):

    08:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (08:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. During Examinations)

On Saturdays:

   08:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.